
Questions about phlebitis treatment.?

Questions about phlebitis treatment.?
I have some bulging veins under left knee and left inner thigh. They havn't really bothered me until recently when I decided to try and tan my white legs before summer vacation. They became red(just around the veins) and became so tender to the touch. I have had heat in my lower knee veins for at least a couple of years know but never in my thigh. It's been about 3 days now and the redness has faded but the tenderness remains. What causes phlebitis and can the sun cause it?
I don't have to go to by Gp to see a specialist but I don't know if maybe my GP can treat this. I brought up my veins before to my GP and my Gyno each said nothing to worry about.
Also my insurance considers
veins to be cosmetic, speaking on your own experience,did your insurance company pay for phlebitis treatment?
Sorry this is long, thanks in advance for your answers !

I have had this before and it can be very painful. I am on anticoagulants though from a clotting disease, As it is painful, I would be seen personally as chances are you may have a blood clot.
Best of luck to you. Do have them test you for clotting disorders.

The Nature Cure Treatment of Varicose Veins and Ulcers Also Haemorrhoids and Phlebitis

phlebitis treatment - click on the image below for more information.

phlebitis treatment

The Nature Cure Treatment of Varicose Veins and Ulcers Also Haemorrhoids and Phlebitis

Click on the button for more phlebitis treatment information and reviews.

A patient describes his response to homeopathic treatment of Phlebitis

Excerpt from medical consultation

How Phlebitis is Treated

Article by Dave Roberts

Phlebitis can have very serious consequences. However, there are simple diagnostic and treatment procedures available. This article explains the symptoms and treatments for this disorder.

A red or pink discoloration in the skin overlying the inflamed vein is a common sign of phlebitis. The area of phlebitis may be tender and feel warm to the touch. The vein with phlebitis may feel firm or rope-like. Sometimes the clot within the vein harbors infection, and you may also experience severe severe pain and high fever associated with the phlebitis.

Acute phlebitis can be triggered by trauma or a prolonged period of sitting, such as a long airline flight or a lengthy trip in a car. The blood that pools and stagnates in varicose veins puts abnormal pressure on the veins, which contributes to phlebitis. Chronic, recurrent phlebitis may occur if you suffer from varicose veins and venous insufficiency.

The treatment of phlebitis emphasizes the reduction of inflammation, while limiting the progression of the process. Venous compression stockings will help reduce pressure caused by stagnating blood from varicose veins. Leg elevation while at rest will also help to reduce pressure within the leg veins. Your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

It is wise, especially for if you have varicose veins and also have symptoms of phlebitis, to have a check performed for venous insufficiency by means of a careful ultrasound examination. It's important the phlebitis be treated, so that it doesn't lead to recurrent episodes. If the venous insufficiency condition is found, it is treatable with minimally invasive techniques, such as the VNUS Closure Procedure, that offers painless treatment with very fast recovery.

The symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and phlebitis may be quite similar. Phlebitis with a thrombus (blood clot) in a superficial skin vein is treated differently than a Deep Vein Thrombosis. A DVT is a blood clot within a deep vein of the leg, inside the muscle. A more serious condition is DVT, which must be treated by using a blood thinner such as Coumadin. The diagnosis of DVT needs to be confirmed by a venous ultrasound or another form of imaging. When DVT is present, there is a risk that the clot may travel to the lungs and cause a potentially fatal Pulmonary Embolism.

About the Author

Treatment of venous insufficiency is a specialty of Maryland Vein Professionals. They provide full diagnostic and treatment options for phlebitis.http://mdveinprofessionals.com

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